
Angel smiled over at her husband, her dark green eyes sparkled with love at the mere sight of him. She yawned and brushed a few strands of hair away from his perfect face, the soft glow of the morning sun illuminated his features. She nearly wanted to cry at how beautiful he is, his pointy little nose upturned, his full, pink lips pouty and ready to be kissed. His dark blonde hair soft and silky, like woven gold. His slender eyelids, hiding his emerald eyes beneath them. His sharp features accentuated his babyface looks. He was without a doubt one of the most handsome men she's ever seen in her life.

She watched the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest, the light hair spreading down to a tiny, thin line leading to his navel. She gently ran her fingers over his abs--brushing against the tiny silver hoop running through his belly-button. She giggled softly at the memory of buying him that very same hoop--reciting in her head the small engravement she had hand-carved into the jewelry.

She lightly squeezed his hand--her fingers still entwined with his. She softly kissed at his gold wedding band, closing her eyes as she recalls their perfect wedding day.

It was during May of last year, the perfect Spring wedding. It was a very small but quaint ceremony, they'd invited their closest family and friends--about 20 people.

She remembered all the pressure and nervousness she felt that day, her mom and friends all excited and bustling about. Jeff knew the hectic schedule that she'd been forced into--and he decided to alope to Aruba so they could be alone.

The week they'd spent in the isle was simply memorable, they never left their little hide-away for the entire vacation. They made love 6, 7 times a day at the least; they could never get enough of one another.

She sighed at the memory of looking over at the blue waves crash into the jagged rocks, the beach sand warm and comforting. She would lie in the hammock for hours--staring out at the ocean as she watched the sunset, an soft orange glow puddling the horizon as it slowly disappeared. She enjoyed quietness at times--sharing that quality with Jeff.

She smiled when he'd crawled up into the hammock with her--the gentle swaying back and forth as they made passionate love, her moans ringing in the air as he brought her to release over and over again.

She giggled at the small but important memories of their time together, ever so lovingly running her hands across his bare arms, kissing his lips lightly as her hand traveled down his body to his toned thighs. She giggles softly and gently nudges his legs farther apart, her hand trailing up as she caresses his cock. She hears him moan in his sleep as she laughed lightly--lovingly planting a tiny kiss at his shaft before rolling out of bed. She picks up a pair of his boxers, stepping into his underwear as she slipped a tank top over her head.

She quietly walked to the kitchen, smiling as she remembered the promise she made last night to fix him blueberry pancakes for breakfast. She lightly scratched at her stomach, opening the fridge to pull out a carton of milk. She went over to the cabinets, getting out flour, pancake mix, and oil.

She began mixing the ingredients, suddenly realizing she'd forgotten to pick up eggs at the supermarket the day before.

She quickly wrote him a small note, slipping on a pair of jeans as she grabbed the car keys--heading out the door.

She hummed along with the song on the radio on her way back from the store, smiling down at the gorgeous rings on her left ring finger. She giggles to herself at the thought of Jeff smothering her with kisses as she surprises him with his favorite breakfast.

She heard a car horn blare behind her--snapping out of her thoughts as she gently pushed on the gas. She was heading through the intersection when she noticed a truck speeding through the light to the left. She barely has time to gasp as the pick-up truck collides with the driver's side of her car.


Jeff sighed and rolled over--wrapping his arm around the pillow and bringing it closer to his body; his eyes opening as he realizes he's alone.

He groaned lightly and blinked--looking around the room as he shaded his face from the sunlight peeking through the curtains. Her scent still lingering on the sheets, arousing his senses.

He smiled lightly at the familar aroma that is hers alone, pressing his nose against the pillow. He felt a tiny stirring in his groin--only helping to stiffen his morning erection. He chucked and stumbled out of bed--in search of her.

He ran a hand through his sloppy hair, walking down the stairs before peeking his head into the livingroom. He sighed as he realized the noise he heard was only the television.

He walks over to the doors leading to the backyard, expecting to find her waiting for him in their outdoor jacuzzi. He sighs disappointedly--trailing his fingers over the glass as he looks out at the tall wooden fence wrapped around their property. She insisted that even though they lived in a rural area--that their privacy was a must. He agreed, only because he knew how she loved to seduce him in public places--and they did use the pool quite often for those purposes.

He strolled over into the kitchen, sitting atop one of the barstools. He wondered where she could be this early in the morning. She'd never wake up at 10 o' clock without at least whispering a few dirty words in his ear to get him all riled up. Which then of course she'd make him want her even more by manipulating him to softly beg. She always kept her promises though; and reward him like only she knows how.

He sighed--missing her already. His eyes focused on the bowls and utensils left out on the counter, knowing that last night he helped her clean the kitchen until it was spotless. He didn't remember leaving anything out of the dishwasher.

He grinned lightly--remembering the little promise she made to him about making him breakfast this morning. He leaned over to dip his finger in the yellowish-blue mix, raising an eyebrow as he licked it clean--tasting something missing.

His eyes focused on a blue piece of paper on the bar counter, smiling as he read the note.

~* Sweetie, I went to the store to get some eggs for your breakfast ~ I'll be back soon! *~

Love Always,
Angel ;)

P.S. I know we didn't begin our usual morning ritual, but I promise I'll make it up to you..*xoxo*

He laughed softly at the smiley-faces and the tiny hearts she drew next to his name--hoping she comes back soon. He's kinda hungry..


She gasped hard--her eyes opening as she was surrounded by darkness. She panicked--wondering to herself where she was, picking herself up off the ground as she squinted--a tiny light at the end of the dark tunnel.

"Who's there??", she asked softly--a force pulling her towards the soft glow, "Je--Jeff??", she looked around--tears springing to her eyes as she realized that she's alone.

The last thing she could remember was that she was driving down the road--humming to herself. She closes her eyes--desperately trying hard to remember as she feels her legs slowly moving her closer and closer to the bright white light.

She gasped softly--remembering the loud sound of sirens, from police cars, maybe an ambulance. She remembers feeling a terrible pain in her left side--recalling the dull feeling of her heart slowing down to a lifeless thump.

I can't be dead...I--I just can't be..., she insisted to herself as she arrived at the blinding light--losing her vision as she blacked-out once more.


Jeff found himself glancing at the clock every second, it'd been 3 hours since he'd called all the local supermarkets within the area--and none of them could verify that she was in their store. He repeatedly read the note she left him, hoping to find some sort of clue that she'd be going somewhere else.

He uncontollably started sobbing at the thought of something happening to her--he knew she would at least call to tell him where she was; she knew how much he worries about her when she goes out alone. He tried to dry his tears, wishing he at least had a word from her, a sign, something.

He picked his head up from the counter as he hears a soft rapping at the door, nearly tripping to answer it. He sniffled up his tears with a sigh, opening the door slowly.

"Is this the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Hardy?", the tall policeman looks down at a small card--his eyes sad and mournful as he looks at Jeff.

Jeff nodded--his mouth suddenly turning dry, barely able to choke out the words.

"Y--Yes, it is...W-What's wrong, officer??", Jeff stared down at the card in his hand--recognizing it as Angel's driver's license. He closed his eyes--tears threatening to fall once more.

"I'm awfully sorry, son--but your wife was in a terrible car accident...She died on the way to the hospital..", the officer sadly looks down and then back at Jeff's eyes--seeing the young man begin to sob, crumbling at his feet.

"B--But she was j--just here--I-I felt her lips on me... F-Felt her touching me...She is a-alive--she h--has to be...", Jeff sobbed brokenly as the policeman gently helped him stand against his resistance.

"Mr. Hardy...I'm sorry for your great loss, but can you come with us down to the hospital? We need you to identify her body..", the officer looked at him sadly--backing off a bit.

"Why are you doing t-this to me?? Is this..some joke??", he shook his head in disbelief--his hair falling over his eyes as he closed his wet eyes--unable to perceive the impossible notion that she's gone--forever..

The officer shook his head--tears filling his eyes as well, as he turns away--trying to keep his composure.

Jeff slowly picked himself up off the floor--his head spinning with confusion and hurt. He looks past the policeman and walked out onto the porch, heading down the stairs and to his jeep, quickly starting the car.

She can't be gone, she just can't. She'd never leave him, she promised him the night they first kissed; and she promised to be back...

Jeff tried to remain calm as he drove down the road, tears flowing from his eyes as he tried to get his mind off of what the policeman said. She wasn't dead at all, it's all just one big joke--that's all. He looked up at the rearbiew mirror, the same policeman following him in his squad car. Jeff closed his eyes and looked away from the reflection, tears burning down his cheeks as he assured himself over and over of the truth.


Angel opened her eyes once more--slowly crawling to her feet as she looked around, frightened and nervous as she heard a soothing voice called to her.

"Angel...", the soft voice spoke to her--with gentleness and comfort.

"Je--Jeff??", she looked around, hoping to catch a simple glimpse of her husband.

No, Angel.., the voice swirled around her in the air, a light shiver arising from her body.

"Why am I here?? I wanna go back home..", she sighed brokenly--beginning to cry softly.

You are here because your heart stopped beating a few hours ago...But we weren't expecting you for another 50-60 years...There must be some mistake..., the voice calmly explained--trying to re-assure the girl.

"I didn't even get to say good-bye to my husband..", she sat on the ground--looking up at the clouds, a strange light glowing, then dimming a bit to adjust to her eyes.

Don't worry--you'll get to see Jeff again...But first, God must determine your fate..., the voice continues as the girl nods--beginning to understand, But there are others waiting as well...I'll have to explain that you're here too soon.., the voice said softly.

"H--How long will that take?", she asked softly--tears sliding down her cheeks as she thought of the promises she made to Jeff, knowing how torn he must be.

There was a long pause before the voice spoke again.

It'll be about 6 months in Earth time, but here it flies pretty fast--it'll be about 3 days.., the voice promises, I will talk to him personally and you'll be home as soon as possible...But until then--you have all the privledges of an angel...You can visit whomever you wish on Earth, while you are in your original human form--you are still invisible to some...I cannot guarantee that Jeff will be able to see and hear you.., the voice explains with a sigh, While you're gone--I'll be arranging for you to return to your old life...Good luck, Angel.., the voice suddenly whooshes away as she fell to the ground once again.